Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

This weekend for Valentine's Day, Eric and I decided to stay in and cook a nice dinner for ourselves. We hung out all day for the first time in a while and we made a wonderful dinner! Yum!!

What I've been up to lately

These last few weeks have been filled with busy days! I finally have an evening to sit and update pictures! Here's one of Kelly and I at Kites in KC! Kites is a bar in Manhattan that she and I would frequent, especially on cheap taco nights! We went with Brennan to watch the KSU game.

Eric and I found a duplex to rent and we were able to get the keys at the beginning of the month. Eric and I picked this couch and chair at NFM and Brennan and Adam helped move them in. Here are the boys after they struggled to get them into the house!

That same week, I was lucky enough to have a shower thrown by the ladies that my mom plays bunco with. Mary had the shower for me at her house and the turnout was great! It made me feel so special to have them include me!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Shower time!

This weekend I had so much fun having one of my wedding showers! I have such an amazing family who put on a wonderful shower for me. We had a good turnout and I got so many great things!! Here are Jordan, Cris, Marcia, Erin and Tessa standing in front of the pretty table they arranged.
Me and my maid of honor!
How could we have Erin and Marcia come visit without having a craft project. We made lovely tutus for the little girls and here are Erin and Marcia making a lovely bachelorette party veil for me. You'll have to wait until later to see the finished product.
Eric spend the weekend back in Manhattan and Clay Center but he came back on Sunday morning so he could see Marcia, Erin and Tessa before they had to go home. Tessa had been running around playing but as soon as Eric came in, she was in a cuddly mood. She cuddled with him for longer than I'd seen her sit still all weekend!