Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Today with our free time in Kansas we got to go fishing! This afternoon we shopped but this evening, we set out to Eric's roommate's sister's house (that's a mouthful!) As you can see here, I broke my streak and caught a fish!! Working hard to get the hook out!
I think this is some quality photography skills! That fish is huge!
Eric won with the most fish caught. :( I was just happy catching one fish!

Welcome home!

After being learning that Eric wasn't going to get to come home until into September, Eric had his company book me a flight to come up and see him this weekend. After I'd been there for about 30 minutes, Eric's boss called to see if he could come home earlier! We ended up hanging out in Valpo Friday night Saturday morning and then we got on the road. Here is a picture of Eric and I after our date on Friday. We went to eat (yum) and had planned on going to a movie afterwords but we were too tired!
Here we are getting on the road to head back home! Woooo Hooooo!! Never thought we'd be so excited to be heading to Kansas!
Here is a last picture of the job Eric worked on!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This is my dog...

Apparently dogs can get senile as they get older too...Taffy is our family dog who is getting on in years. She loves it when we have waffles or pancakes for dinner because she gets the leftovers. Tonight I went out to give her a waffle and found her in a rather odd position. She hangs out under the deck when it's hot outside so she can stay cool. When I was trying to get her to come up to get the waffle, I looked over the railing and saw her like this...

I'm not sure how she got her foot in her collar but after I took these pictures I helped her get her foot out and gave her a waffle.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Family weekend

This weekend we went to Clifton for Austin and Sadie's wedding shower. We went up Friday and were lucky to be able to spent so much time with Erin and her two beautiful kids who we hadn't seen since Easter. Here is Erin with her daughter Tessa. Here is Isaac and I at Gracie's birthday party in the park. He had a lot of fun playing in the park and finding sticks.

Jordan was able to get away from PT school for the weekend! We had fun after the shower at Tailgaiters! Hopefully she will get a clinical rotation in KC so she can come visit us for a while!

Friday, August 21, 2009

I finally took some pictures!!

On Wednesday, I went over to Kelly's new place and to her surprise (and mine) her boyfriend Brennan had showed up and surprised her. Yesterday was Brennan's birthday so they invited me out with them to eat. We ended up going down to Power and Light for dinner and the free country concert.
Here's Kelly and I at the restaurant. We ate at Ragland Road and I had some amazing tomato soup!
Adam Gregory was the artist who played the concert. He put on a good show and after, he went over to sign autographs and meet fans. Kelly and I decided to take our picture with him. Shortly after this, we went home so that Spanish teacher Kelly could get to bed. Her first week at school has been busy!

An update on Eric's job...they got their temporary certificate of occupancy so they started moving students into one of the buildings on Wednesday. There's still some finishing touches to be done but at least there's a real end in sight now. I'm still hoping Eric's going hear from his bosses that he can come home tomorrow but I'll take the end of the month too. :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I haven't done anything exciting....

The past week has been anything but eventful. I did lay out in the pool with the family and watch the meteor shower last weekend. Other than that, I worked a few days during the week and today. It has actually been a fun workweek because I recently got oriented to the mother/baby floor at the hospital. It's quite a change in patient population and I've decided changing baby diapers is much easier than changing old-man diapers!
I am quickly starting to realize that Eric needs to get home soon because my social life is quite boring without him! (Although I have thoroughly enjoyed Kelly being close!!!! I'm hoping that after her school starts and she gets into the swing of things that she'll have a little more time to spend outside her classroom. Lately though, she's been spending a lot of time getting ready for students on Monday! I'm so excited for her and her new job!!!!)
After talking to Eric today about his work I think that all of his co-workers are as ready to come home as he is! I've even started to wonder if they're going a little bit crazy up there, which makes me a little glad I'm not there to go crazy with them! They're making progress but only because they've been working until dark (9 or 10) almost every night, yes, even on the weekends. Today I even helped Eric with his work. I typed up a spreadsheet off of his notes that he scanned and emailed me. I'm thinking I need to charge for my time!
Well I'm hoping that tomorrow and this next week are a little more eventful (in a good events kind of way) so that I have something to take pictures to share!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back to the old stompin' grounds

This weekend I went to Manhattan to see some friends I hadn't gotten to see lately. I went back on Friday after eating lunch with Sarah in KC. I met up with Kelly and we shopped at the mall. Then a group of us made it out to Aggieville that night. Saturday all decided to go to the lake.
We couldn't go to the lake without Colp and he was in his true fashion when he found this hard-hat in Brennan's truck. He made sure to wear it into the store and show it off.

Brennan, who is Kelly's boyfriend, lives in a place owned by a buffalo farmer. As a part of his rent, Brennan helps to take care of the buffalo. I took this picture as I was leaving because they were so close to the road. I don't know if you can tell but there are a bunch of babies! They are so little!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fighting Irish

Today Eric and I drove to South Bend (not quite an hour away) which is where Notre Dame University is located. Eric had been there before but I was interested in seeing the campus. We ate lunch (after driving around lost for a while) and then ventured to campus. The campus is beautiful and really pretty big. The buildings are so pretty and it made me miss the K-State campus.
Here's the "touch down Jesus" as Eric described it. This building was so tall and you can see it from the football stadium which is just behind us from where we took the picture. It was pretty cool though because the whole picture is done with inlaid marble and other stone.
Here's a picture of the church on campus. It was gorgeous! This picture doesn't do it much justice but I didn't want to take too many and I turned the flash off.
After walking around on campus, we drove to the College Football Hall of Fame, which is in downtown South Bend. When we got there, the guy at the desk told us they were about to close (We had forgotten that the time changes just west of South Bend) so we just looked around the store and outside.
Eric was awfully excited to find this flag outside the hall of fame. I was incredibly disappointed to not find a KSU flag anywhere! Eric said that KSU wasn't good enough to have a flag but I think we just couldn't find it...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Still working hard!

Today I came up to see Eric at work so he could show me the progress they're making on the job. Last time I was here, none of the rooms looked finished at all so it was a nice surprise to see the progress they're making. This is a shot of one of the living rooms of one of the apartments. As you can see, they'll be very nice. There's a good size kitchen and all of the bedrooms have a walk-in closet and bathroom off of them. We're both hoping that this job will get done soon so Eric can come back home!

Last night Eric and I went on a dinner date. We went to an Italian place, which was really good. We met up with some of the carpenters from Eric's job after dinner and went to a couple of local bars. It was fun to get to hang out with some people our own age again!